About Me

I am an astrophysicist from Toronto, Canada. My research interests are diverse but mainly focus on the development of novel, state-of-the-art astronomical instrumentation and furthering our understanding the fundamental properties of extragalactic stellar populations. In 2019, I completed my doctorate at the University of Toronto and have since worked as postdoctoral researcher in both Toronto and, presently, the University of Oxford.

In my free time I engage in indepentent, public data science projects and avidly discuss Toronto sports, politics, space science, and exploring the local food scene. When I'm not in front of a computer, I try to get outside to run, walk, hike, camp, and explore. I recently started to pursue photography as a hobby and hope to share some photos in the near future.

One part that I love about being an astronomer is engaging with the public though participating in and managing outreach events. I was an executive member of the UofT AstroTours organizing committee for several years as a doctoral student and have given my own public talks for AstroTours and other local events including several panel discussions. If you are interested in inviting me to talk about my research, astronomy, or anything else, please contact me!



Department of Physics
University of Oxford
Denys Wilkinson Building
Oxford, UK